The Top Immune-Boosting Supplements of 2024

By: DTW Health Advisory Board

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Over the last year, most Americans have taken a serious interest in strengthening their immune system. Zinc has long been recognized as the go-to immune-strengthening mineral. New research has shown that combining zinc with specific proven vitamins and herbs can further promote the body’s natural ability to defend itself during the long winter season.

With immune health being top of mind for so many, it is no surprise that hundreds of immune-boosting supplements are flooding the marketplace. While these supplements all promise to deliver benefits, the reality is that many fall short. Some of the most popular brands use ineffective or insufficient doses of ingredients and may contain low-quality fillers.

How To Pick A Good Immune-Boosting 
Supplement & Avoid The Junk

With so many options, it seems many of us might still be unclear about what to look for in a quality immune system-supporting supplement. To help cut through the clutter, we have compiled months of research about which are the key ingredients that have been shown in studies to benefit your immune health.

This short guide will help you know what to look for and what to avoid so you can make an informed decision when it comes to your immune-boosting needs. We will also list out the top 5 immune-supporting supplements sold today that we researched so you don’t have to.

Let’s take a moment to understand precisely how immune system supplements work to support your ability to promote immune health and why it’s essential to add it to your daily routine.

Immune-Boosters: What Are They All About?

With over 200 harmful virus species continuing to mutate, it is critical to keep your immune system functioning in tip-top shape. A quality immune-boosting formula will combine immune-strengthening vitamins, minerals, and herbs to support your body’s natural ability to defend itself year-round, especially during the winter season. The correct combination can help fortify the immune system by triggering white blood cells. These cells encompass B-cells, which produce antibodies and help alert the T-cells, which destroy compromised cells.

a good immune supplement can:

Help Strengthen the immune system1

Help Promote Immune System Response2

Help strengthen the body for year round defense3

Help promote a stronger immune system year round.4

Help strengthen the upper respiratory systems for year-round protection5

Help ease acute inflammation6

Help support the body in times of stress7


3 Things To AVOID

When Buying An Immune Supplement

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1. proprietary blends

In reviewing the labels of immune supplement brands, we found several manufacturers listing ingredients in groups named Proprietary Blend, Immune Support Blend, or a trademarked phrase. These “blends” do not show each ingredient’s exact amount but rather the total amount for the entire group’s ingredients. You deserve to know if you are getting 1 mg or 15 mg of zinc. Manufacturers can also drastically change the proportions of ingredients in their blend without disclosing these changes to you. Also, proprietary blends are required to list the ingredients in descending order, from the highest amount to the lowest amount; if a key ingredient is listed towards the end, then it may indicate that it might not be in an efficacious amount. This change can leave you wondering why a product that used to work for you is no longer seeming effective. For this reason, we advise avoid wasting your hard-earned money on immune support brands that use proprietary blends that don’t disclose the amount of each ingredient in the blend listed.

2. relying on amazon reviews

Research showed that in March 2019, there were 1.8 million new unverified reviews, with an average of 99.6% of them being 5-star reviews.8 We can suspect many of these reviews are from people paid to write them. We can also suspect many of these fake reviews inflate the number and overall star rating of a product. When deciding on a supplement that can impact your health, don’t just rely on Amazon reviews as they don’t always show the true benefits of a product or if that customer actually purchased and used the product.

3. insufficient return policy

A reputable immune-boosting supplement brand will demonstrate they have faith in their product by offering a 100% money-back guarantee policy. Some try to complicate their refund policies by placing limitations on what kind of returns they will take. Avoid any brand that does not have, at minimum, a no-questions-asked 90-day money-back guarantee.


Top 4 Criteria For A Quality

Immune-Boosting Supplement

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When it comes to immune-boosting formulas, not all are created equal. With thousands of different vitamins, minerals, and herbs, only a handful have substantial research supporting immune benefits. Below are the four most essential ingredients to consider before deciding which brand is best for your needs.

#1 Zinc

Zinc is one of the most essential minerals needed for the development of immune cells. It aids the communication between cells and plays a role in healthy immune system function. T-cells that work help the body defend itself and are in part regulated by zinc.9 Zinc has also been shown to strengthen the immune system and promote respiratory function.19 Even just a minor zinc deficiency can cause the immune system to perform poorly.10

Being a positively charged ion, zinc requires a transporter, known as an ionophore, to carry it across the cell’s lipid membrane. While most immune-boosting formulas contain zinc, many do not include the transporter to improve zinc’s bioavailability. Studies have shown that turmeric curcumin, with 95% curcuminoids, is a very effective transporter of zinc.11

#2 Glutamine

Glutamine, also referred to as l-glutamine, is an amino acid that studies have shown is essential for a healthy immune system. Glutamine is critical for cell growth and supports immune cells such as T-cells and B-cells.12 The gut, liver, kidney, and immune systems require glutamine. When the body is under stress, it can cause the depletion of glutamine levels, resulting in poor immune system function.13 A recent 2020 study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition Experimental conducted a clinical trial with two groups of people with poor immune health. One group was given glutamine, and the other a placebo. The results demonstrated those given glutamine supplementations demonstrated stronger immune function than placebo.14

#3 Elderberry

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) has been shown in studies to bolster the immune system response by increasing white blood cells. Studies revealed that supplementation resulted in easing poor immune function resulting in a stronger immune response.15 Elderberry is a potent immune nutrient that clinical studies have shown helps protect the immune system resulting in a healthy upper respiratory tract.16,17 We advise you to avoid immune system formulas that use elderberry in the cheaper and less effective powder form. Look for a brand that includes elderberry in extract form the same form as used in clinical studies.

#4 Echinacea

A review of 14 different clinical studies concluded that echinacea could improve immune function by up to 58% and strengthen the body during times of stress within 36 hours.18 This unique flower works by stimulating white blood cell activity and energizing immune cells, making them more efficient at keeping the immune system functionally optimal.19


How We Evaluated Our Immune Supplement Recommendations

natural, science-backed ingredients

We looked for natural, clean, science-backed ingredients to support healthy immune function and brands that didn’t include additives or dyes. 


We noticed some brands don’t have the required hero ingredient amount to substantiate listed claims and benefits. We looked for brands that included and listed ingredients at the dosage necessary to be clinically impactful. 

the most effective forms of added ingredients

We noticed some brands did not utilize the most effective forms of ingredients. We looked for a formula containing forms clinical studies show as the most bioavailable and clinically effective.

ease of use

When choosing a supplement, we know it will become part of your everyday routine, so it needs to be easy to take. We looked for a reasonable capsule serving per day (two or fewer) and a 60-day or more satisfaction guarantee.


To ensure you’re getting the highest quality, most efficacious supplement, we looked for brands that were transparent and clear about everything from the dosage of each ingredient to serving size to return policy.

2024 Immune Support Buying Guide

Advertisement sponsored by Stingray Direct, the distributor of Stonehenge Health products.


Contains Zinc, Glutamine, Elderberry, and Echinacea

Includes Turmeric with 95% Curcuminoids to improve Zinc absorption

Lists exact amounts for all 10 vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and probiotic

Endorsed by a Doctor

Vegetarian Capsules, Gluten, Sugar-Free

Verified 90-day 100% money-back return policy


Often out of stock due to high demand

why we approved

Stonehenge Health’s Dynamic Immunity tops this recommendation list because it contains all four essential immune-boosting ingredients Zinc, Glutamine, Elderberry, and Echinacea.

In reviewing dozens of immunity-boosting brands, we found that very few have addressed zinc’s absorption challenge. We were impressed that Stonehenge Health includes turmeric curcumin in 95% strength, which studies have shown to improve zinc absorption. They go a step further and include essential vitamins C, E, and B6, garlic, and the probiotic Lactobacillus Acidophilus, which have all been shown to help promote the immune system’s strength.

This formula does not contain any synthetic fillers, binders, or artificial ingredients. It simply has the critical ingredients listed on the label with their exact dosages in a vegetarian capsule, and that is it. With a pure and clean formula, Dynamic Immunity has what it takes to help keep you healthy by supporting a robust immune system.

Stonehenge Health backs its products with a no-questions-asked, 90-day money-back guarantee and is one of the few brands to be endorsed by a board-certified physician. We also like that they offer customers discounts on bundles. Click on the link below to see their current specials.

*Please refer to the manufacturer’s product website for detailed information.

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source naturals wellness formula




Contains Zinc, Elderberry, and Echinacea


Lists amount for all 31 vitamins, nutrients, and minerals



Does not contain Glutamine

Does not contain Turmeric for Zinc absorption

Must take 6 gelatin pills per dose

Contains an allergen as Soy

User complaints of indigestion and heartburn

Return policy limited to the point of purchase

Source Naturals is a popular brand, and its Wellness Formula has been sold for many years. This product contains thirty-one different vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, including zinc, elderberry, and echinacea. 


We were disappointed to see that with so many ingredients, the product was missing glutamine, critical to immune cells such as T-cells and B-cells, and a method to improve zinc absorption such as turmeric 95% curcumin.

While we applaud Source Naturals’ desire to offer a wide variety of ingredients, many consumers have complained it is too hard to comply with the required daily dosage of 6 large gelatin capsules. Complaints of indigestion and heartburn may also be related to the large dosage requirement, the number of ingredients, and the use of gelatin capsules instead of consumer-preferred vegetarian capsules.

Source Naturals website has no mention of any money-back guarantee, so consumers are stuck relying on what may be a limited return policy from the point of purchase.

*Please refer to the manufacturer’s product website for detailed information. Wellness Formula is a registered trademark of THRESHOLD ENTERPRISES LTD

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olly active immunity gummy




Contains Elderberry and Echinacea




Contains very low dosage of Zinc

Does not contain Glutamine

Contains 3 grams of sugar per serving

Limited 30-day Return Policy

Olly Active Immunity Gummy is a product popular with those who prefer gummy vitamins. This formula contains zinc, elderberry, and echinacea. While it is good to see it has three of the top four immune-boosting ingredients, the dosages offered are very low, with only 5 mg of zinc, 65 mg of elderberry, and 40 mg of echinacea per serving. These levels are about 20-30% less than the top-recommended brand on our list, requiring you to take as much as 15 gummies per serving to match it. If you consider that three gummies pack 3 grams of sugar per serving, you would be consuming 15 grams of sugar per day, almost as much as a candy bar, to match the top-recommended brand’s dosage level. Olly Active Immunity Gummy’s sugar content may not be appropriate for those watching their blood sugar levels or other health-conscious consumers. Another issue is that Olly is missing glutamine and an ingredient to improve zinc absorption, such as turmeric 95% curcumin. Olly backs their product with a limited 30-day refund period.

*Please refer to the manufacturer’s product website for detailed information. Olly is a registered trademark of OLLY PBC.

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medicove health immune support supplement




Contains Zinc

Contains ionophore Quercetin for zinc absorption



Does not contain Elderberry, Echinacea, or Glutamine

Conflicting dosage and servings per bottle

User complaints related to headaches, nausea, and indigestion

Does not use vegetarian capsules

No money-back guarantee

Medicove Health Immune Support Supplement contains zinc. We were pleased to see the inclusion of quercetin, which, like turmeric 95% curcumin, is an ionophore that supports zinc absorption. However, the formula lacks the other top-ranking ingredients on our list glutamine, elderberry, and echinacea. This brand’s label directions state you should take two gelatin capsules per day, contradicted by the required supplement facts box where a serving size is just one capsule per day with 60 servings in a bottle. If you are to follow the directions, the bottle only is offering a 30-day supply. The lack of transparency is concerning. Medicove Health appears to be a brand created for the sole purpose of selling on Amazon. As such, their website has no mention of any available money-back guarantee, and so consumers are stuck relying on Amazon’s limited return policy.

*Please refer to the manufacturer’s product website for detailed information. NEED TRADEMARK INFO, Nicole commented on copy doc

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immuneti advanced immune defense




Contains Elderberry and Echinacea

Gluten, dairy, and soy-free



Does not contain Glutamine

Does not contain an ingredient for zinc absorption

Consumer complaints of bait and switch sales

User complaints related to headaches, nausea, and indigestion

Quality control complaints of missing pills and blurry labels

Limited 30-day Return Policy

Immuneti Advanced Immune Defense is a product made famous thanks to its massive spending on internet advertising. In recent months, the brand has also become infamous for what appears to be some bait-and-switch sales techniques. Immuneti advertises that their formula contains zinc, elderberry, echinacea, vitamin C, garlic, vitamin D3, and black pepper. Like most immune-boosting formulas, Immuneti is missing the all-important glutamine and an ingredient to improve zinc absorption, such as turmeric 95% curcumin.

In June 2020, consumers began complaining that the bottles they received were missing vitamin D3 and black pepper from the label, and the amount of vitamin C went from the advertised 330 mg to 180 mg. Upon inquiry, Immuneti responded, saying, “By placing an order, you will receive immuneti™ with Vitamin D3.” Unfortunately, that was not the case, and as recently as January 2021, a verified purchaser complained that the bottle received was missing vitamin D3 from the label. The brand even went as far as to state, “Hello, we are happy to say these are authentic Immuneti bottles!” An even larger issue for us is that in June of 2020, a consumer inquired, “Are the ingredient amounts listed based on 2 or 4 pill serving?” in which Immuneti replied, “The ingredients listed are for a 4-pill serving.” The label clearly states that the dosages provided are for a serving size of 2 pills. Since there are only 60 capsules in a bottle, based on a 4-capsule serving size, each bottle is only a 15-day supply. What may seem like a bargain-priced product is far from that. Ultimately, while some users have reported benefits from taking Immuneti, this brand has numerous consumer complaints and a limited 30-day return policy.

*Please refer to the manufacturer’s product website for detailed information. OmegaXL is  a registered trademark of Great Health Works, Inc.

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